Your right to freedom of Worship
We stand with you

Freedom of Worship

1981 Declaration of the General Assembly
Art. 6 (a): The right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief includes the freedom, “To worship or assemble in connection with a religion or belief […];”.
Art. 6 (c): The right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief includes the freedom, “To make, acquire and use the necessary articles and materials related to the rites or customs of a religion or belief;”.
Commission on Human Rights resolution 2005/40 (paragraph 4 (d)), Human Rights Council resolution 6/37 (paragraph 9(g)) and General Assembly resolution 65/211 (paragraph 12 (g))
Urges States “To ensure, in particular, the right of all persons to worship or assemble in connection with a religion or belief […].”

Freedom of Worship is a fundamental and inherent individual right and must be protected at all costs
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International Centre for Religious Advocacy and Development (ICRAD) call for Uganda Government to completely throw out the proposed Religious and Faith based Organizations (RFO) regulation bill.

The panelist included Wisdom K.Peter, Rev Steve Bamutungire, Simon Ssenyonga, Hon.Angeline Osegge and Bishop Daniel Kyazze. Watch or Read more


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ICRAD brought to light the importance of protecting our rights to freedom of Worship

Lead Pastor Founder

ICRAD brought to light the importance of protecting our rights to freedom of Worship

Sheikh Leader

ICRAD brought to light the importance of protecting our rights to freedom of Worship

Hindu Guru Temple Head

ICRAD brought to light the importance of protecting our rights to freedom of Worship

Youth Leader Youth Leader
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